Morley Community Archive

Henry Ainley (born:1879, died:1945) as 'Orlando' in 'As You Like It'. He was born in Leeds but spent much of his youth in Morley. He was a very famous actor of his time. Photo taken on 07/10/1908.
Atlas Vulcana, Family Strong act, the first professional act to perform at the New Pavilion, Morley. Photo taken 04/12/1911.

Many of us have boxes of old photographs, postcards, and other items of local historical interest tucked away in cupboards. What will happen to them when you are no longer here?  Shouldn't these memories be preserved so that future generations know what life in Morley was really like for their ancestors?

We are a small group of volunteers whose objective that is, by creating a computer archive available on the internet for anyone researching the history of Morley, or tracing their family tree.  Local people are invited to contribute their photographs and reminiscences at our collection sessions, where we also display material from the Archive in various ways to generate interest in our project.

A visit to our website will reveal an ever-growing store of historical information about the town.

This archive entry was last updated on 21/05/2014. Information incorrect or out-of-date?
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