OurStory Scotland Collection

Mitchell Library, Scotland

OurStory Scotland collects, archives and presents the life stories and experiences of the LGBT+ community in Scotland.

The OurStory Scotland Collection is a dispersed archive, with materials in appropriate national institutions, that draws on the expertise of specialists in different types of material to form a national archive of LGBT Lives. Our life stories and experiences cover a time period from the 1920s until the present day. We continue to collect recordings and handwritten episodes so our archive is constantly growing. Anyone interested in accessing our archived materials is welcome to contact us for assistance prior to visiting the archive.

Our archive is currently made up of:

  • Over 170 handwritten episodes archived at National Museums Scotland.
  • A selection of artworks archived at National Museums Scotland
  • A small number of oral history recordings in digital format archived at the National Library of Scotland. Many more recordings will be archived in the near future.
  • A video of the OurStory Ceilidh (2006) archived at the National Library of Scotland Moving Image Archive.

The archive of OurStory Scotland as an organisation is located at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow.

This archive entry was last updated on 04/03/2024. Information incorrect or out-of-date?
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