Join us on 15th May to celebrate and hear about the groups and projects that you wanted to find out more about from the Community Archive Heritage Group Conference in Galway 2022. We asked people to create a poster linked with the conference theme, Meitheal, and now is your opportunity to hear about how their hard work and team efforts have produced interesting and successful community-led projects.
We had a fantastic number and variety of community archive heritage groups respond to our Call for Contributions and we will continue to highlight the wonderful work groups do at our next CAHG Conference in UCL, London on 19th July.
We will hear from four speakers (all with posters from last year). Please note the programme may be subject to change:
18:30-18:35 Welcome
18:35-19:00 Lilian Lawson – Secretary – Deaf History Scotland. The presentation will describe how and why the Scottish Deaf Archive was set up, and challenges of maintaining these archives.
Bernie Docherty – Archaeologist – Galway Community Archaeology
19:00-19:05 Comfort Break
19:05-19:30 Linda Fitzpatrick – Head Curator – Scottish Fisheries Museum, St Ayles, Harbourhead, Anstruther, Fife,
Hazel Morrison – Moycullen Heritage Group (overall winners)
19:30-19:45 Q+A and Discussion
We would like to encourage organisations representing deaf people to join the event as there will be a BSL interpreter available throughout.
Book your free ticket now, and we look forward to seeing you there!
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