December’s Archive of the Month is announced.  Read about them here

CAHG Scotland regional group survey

Community Archives & Heritage Group Scotland would like your help with a survey
Image courtesy of Community Archives & Heritage Group Scotland

The new regional group, Community Archives & Heritage Group Scotland, came about after the very successful annual CAHG Conference 2019 in Glasgow, combined with the enthusiastic response of local groups to the SCA/NRS Archive Tour of Scotland. However, people are welcomed and encouraged to join the network from everywhere. Ultimately, the idea is to create a community archives and heritage group network of mutual support where professionals and volunteers come together and share skills and knowledge.

To understand better and progress with a training and events programme for 2020-2021 – as well as extend a hand of support, especially during Covid-19, they have produced a community archives survey. They would be delighted if people were able to complete the survey and distribute it through their own networks and social media channels. The link to the survey can be found here.

Follow them on Twitter @CArchivesScot

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