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What support do community archives need?

Summary of findings from a survey in 2007

By Jack Latimer and Vic Gray

In 2007, 90 community archives volunteers and professional archivists wrote about the support they felt that community archives needed during a session at the Community Archive summer conference. Here are the top 10 needs that were expressed.If you’ve got a view, click on the ‘Add a comment’ link at the foot of the page.

1. Advice and assistance with the storage of archival items

Help was mainly sought on how to conserve and properly store physical objects, though some requests concerned digital storage as well. (40 responses)

2. Guidance on funding opportunities

Guidance was particularly sought in relation to Lottery applications. Responses often referred to needing advice and guidance on form-filling. (34 responses)

3. Guidance on legal issues

Advice was wanted on copyright issues and legal issues relating to the uses and ownership of archive items (18 responses)

4. Advice on technical equipment

Advice on recording equipment was requested, but responses often asked for advice about digitisation equipment as well  (18 responses)

5. Help with digitisation

This included help with the digitisation of documents and photographs, and with long-term storage and maintenance of digitised files. (13 responses)

6. Training

Responses were rarely explicit about what training in particular would be welcome. Many requests for advice under the other headings could be read as requests for training. Some responses cited the training of volunteers. (12 responses)

7. Developing relationships with local institutions

These respondents wished to develop relationships with, or enter into partnerships with, local institutions, such as archives, museums, and libraries. (11 responses)

8. Advice on cataloguing

Advice was needed on how to record and catalogue items correctly (10 responses)

9. Swapping information with other community archives

Some respondents wished to open avenues to swap information with other community archive groups  (9 responses)

10. More funding (as opposed to guidance on existing funding)

These responses expressed a need for additional sources of funding or greater levels of funding – in particular, continuation funding. (8 responses)

Comments about this page

  • 1 Advice and Assistance with Storage
    Here in Norfolk a number of people wanting guidance on archival storage arranged a trip to the Gt Yarmouth archives held at Time and Tide Museum. We found that talking to other people involved in community archives and seeing how they set about their work inspired us all. There are any number of websites out there with information on archival storage. Many can be found through the links on the community archives resources page. However there is no substitute for seeing other archives and talking with other archivists. I would urge others to use communityarchives.org.uk to locate archive projects in their neighbourhoods, make contact and get visiting.
    Don’t forget that a number of County Archive or Record Offices also welcome enquiries about best practice in the archive world.

    By Patricia Collins (08/05/2008)